Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 Audiobook Challenge and Breaking Dawn

Last summer, I bought, "Eat, Pray, Love," by Elizabeth Gilbert, with the full intentions of reading it. I was feeling very spiritual (and wealthy) and so I splurged at Border's. However, I still hadn't gotten around to it (due to my ginormous YA "to read" list) when I saw the audio book version at the library where I work. I was in need of a new audio book for my (though short) drives around town and to work, and I thought this was a sign. Happily, I am thoroughly enjoying it - am on the 3rd disc in only two days- especially because of the author's voice. I normally find that authors who read their own books aloud just don't have the experience to do a stellar job, but Gilbert is stunning. Her voice is low and soothing, and I am caught up in her world of images, tastes, and desires every time I start the car. I am missing out on NPR, but I'll just have to (gasp) read the paper or check out CNN online when I am at the desk or at home. Can't wait to hear more! This is a perfect start to the 2009 Audiobook Challenge.
Meanwhile, I am finally posting those pictures of Charlie Swan, from the Twilight movie and (below) his look-a-like, Burt Reynolds. Eerie, huh?

And of course, I zoomed through Eclipse over Christmas and grabbed Breaking Dawn as soon as I could. I am totally hooked. This fourth book is by and far the best of the series. The switching of perspective between Bella and Jacob is a great way to keep from becoming too monotonous (as in New Moon) and it gives you a whole other take on Bella's actions. I can't put it down. It's one of those books that sucks you in and when you realize you have to stop, you are shaking your head, trying to clear it up and return to the real world. The first three were fine, but this one takes the far. I'm almost halfway through in 2 days!


Anonymous said...

Wanted to stop in and welcome you to this challenge. If you haven't already, feel free to join us at the Yahoo Groups where others are participating in this challenge as well as others.

Also, the links to post your reviews are up in the right sidebar at J. Kaye’s Book Blog.

Anonymous said...

wow, Charlie Swan and Burt Reynolds really were separated at birth, weren't they?