Then there's this new one, published just last year (but interestingly enough, published in France in 2005): A Bottle in the Gaza Sea, by Valerie Zenatti. It is the story of a teen Israeli girl who decides she's tired of the fighting and bombs, and puts a message in a bottle in the Gaza Sea, to try to contact a Palestinian girl and find out what they have in common. Instead, the bottle finds a teen boy (Palestinian) living in the Gaza strip. Billed as a modern day Romeo and Juliet, I had high hopes for this one, but little happens to the characters and little action actually occurs to invite suspense or create a climax. The author has the characters explain the history behind the Israeli-Palestine conflict, but sometimes it's too didactic. The teens communicate through e-mail and chat, which helps teens relate to the unusual setting (it is set in 2003) but the way that "fall" for each other is a little forced. Overall, I was disappointed - I was hoping to recommend this for our school-library teen book club next year. Two stars **
Meanwhile, I'm working on this adult non-fiction: A Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible As Literally As Possible, by A.J. Jacobs. I was on the hold list for a while, and since I've been reading (or skimming) so many other things, it's now almost due back and I'm not even a quarter of the way into it. But I'm determined to finish it this weekend. It is tongue-and-cheek at times, serious at others, and I can see that the author will be changed (not just physically - since he has to grow a FULL beard) but spiritually. It kind of mirrors my audio book of the moment: Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert (yup, still working on that). Well, that's it for now. Make sure to leave comments if you've read these titles - I don't need any more recommendations - yagh!
Meanwhile, I'm working on this adult non-fiction: A Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible As Literally As Possible, by A.J. Jacobs. I was on the hold list for a while, and since I've been reading (or skimming) so many other things, it's now almost due back and I'm not even a quarter of the way into it. But I'm determined to finish it this weekend. It is tongue-and-cheek at times, serious at others, and I can see that the author will be changed (not just physically - since he has to grow a FULL beard) but spiritually. It kind of mirrors my audio book of the moment: Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert (yup, still working on that). Well, that's it for now. Make sure to leave comments if you've read these titles - I don't need any more recommendations - yagh!
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